
David Hasselhoff főszereplésével indít műsort a NatGeo

Berlin, Germany: David Hasselhoff in his hotel room overlooking the Brandenburg Gate. (Photo Credit: National Geographic Channels / Paul Jenkins) *The right to and to authorise others to issue publicity concerning the  Presenter's services in connection with the Programme and to use the Presenter's pre-approved name, pre-approved voice, pre-approved biography and pre-approved likeness (collectively, ?Approved Identifications?) and the Products solely in connection with the exploitation of the Programme in all media and/or the advertising, publicising and/or promotion of the Programme provided that Company secures Lender?s prior written consent of such uses (which consent may be withheld in Lender?s sole and absolute discretion) and further provided that such uses shall not suggest that the Presenter endorses, recommends or uses any commercial products or services other than the Programme. Company shall submit to a specific person or persons designated by Lender for Lender?s review and approval, a copy or a sample, if any and as appropriate, of all artwork, designs, logos, graphics, and photographs and the like, as well as the initial press release in connection with the Programme, proposed to be used in connection with the Programme and in connection with the marketing, promotion and publication materials for the Programme which include, reference or utilize any Identifications (?Materials?) at least ten (10) business days prior to their intended release to the general public.  Lender?s approval designee at present is Eric Gardner , until Lender designates a successor designee by written notice to Company. Lender?s failure to respond to a request for approval under this paragraph within three (3) business days, and two (2) days in connection with any press releases in connection with the Programme, of receipt thereof shall be deemed approved by Lender to the use of such Material.  Once a photo or rendering or likeness is approved pursuant to the foregoing process, the photo or rendering or likeness shall be deemed approved for all allowable purposes stated herein.  Lender?s approval of any Materials shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.  Once any particular Materials are approved pursuant to the foregoing process, the Materials shall be deemed approved for all allowable purposes stated herein and Company will have the right to make multiple uses of such previously approved Materials without seeking Lender?s further approval.A National Geographic Channel egy új, rendhagyó műsorral készül a berlini fal lebontásának 25. évfordulójára. Az egyórás David Hasselhoff és a berlini fal című filmet 2014 novemberében mutatja be a csatorna az Egyesült Államokban és a világ további 171 országában. Hazánkban november 9-én 22 órakor lesz látható.

A műsorban David Hasselhoff egy személyes emlékekkel átszőtt utazásra invitálja a nézőket Berlinbe, hogy felidézze az ország megosztottságának és a berlini fal ledöntésének történetét, valamint, hogy olyan emberekkel találkozzon, akik akkoriban az életüket kockáztatták szabadságvágyuk beteljesítéséért.

A film David Hasselhoff Németországhoz való érzelmi kötődését is bemutatja. A németeknél akkoriban nagy népszerűségnek örvendő popénekes Looking for Freedomcímű dala nemcsak hónapokig vezette a slágerlistákat, hanem a keleti és nyugati oldal egyesítésének nem hivatalos himnuszává vált. Hasselhoff 1989-ben Berlinben milliós tömeg előtt lépett fel, és adta elő népszerű dalát az újonnan egyesült Kelet- és Nyugat-Németország lakóihoz szólva. Az énekes a fal és a kommunista uralom összeomlásának külső szemlélője volt, és most visszatér Berlinbe, hogy emlékeit a nézők előtt is felidézze.

Berlin, Germany: David Hasselhoff at a section of the Berlin Wall. (Photo Credit: National Geographic Channels / Paul Jenkins) DO NOT FLIP IMAGE. Publicist request.  *The right to and to authorise others to issue publicity concerning the  Presenter's services in connection with the Programme and to use the Presenter's pre-approved name, pre-approved voice, pre-approved biography and pre-approved likeness (collectively, ?Approved Identifications?) and the Products solely in connection with the exploitation of the Programme in all media and/or the advertising, publicising and/or promotion of the Programme provided that Company secures Lender?s prior written consent of such uses (which consent may be withheld in Lender?s sole and absolute discretion) and further provided that such uses shall not suggest that the Presenter endorses, recommends or uses any commercial products or services other than the Programme. Company shall submit to a specific person or persons designated by Lender for Lender?s review and approval, a copy or a sample, if any and as appropriate, of all artwork, designs, logos, graphics, and photographs and the like, as well as the initial press release in connection with the Programme, proposed to be used in connection with the Programme and in connection with the marketing, promotion and publication materials for the Programme which include, reference or utilize any Identifications (?Materials?) at least ten (10) business days prior to their intended release to the general public.  Lender?s approval designee at present is Eric Gardner , until Lender designates a successor designee by written notice to Company. Lender?s failure to respond to a request for approval under this paragraph within three (3) business days, and two (2) days in connection with any press releases in connection with the Programme, of receipt thereof shall be deemed approved by Lender to the use of such Material.  Once a photo or rendering or likeness is approved pursuant to the foregoing process, the photo or rendering or likeness shall be deemed approved for all allowable purposes stated herein.  Lender?s approval of any Materials shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.  Once any particular Materials are approved pursuant to the foregoing process, the Materials shall be deemed approved for all allowable purposes stated herein and Company will have the right to make multiple uses of such previously approved Materials without seeking Lender?s further approval.

Miután a 80-as évek végén többször megfordultam Németországban, és a fal lebontásának idején is ott voltam, így szemtanúja lehettem a keletnémetek fájdalmának és szabadságért folytatott rendíthetetlen küzdelemének. Hatalmas inspiráció volt az ő bátorságuk mindannyiunk számára, és büszke vagyok rá, hogy bemutathatom a történetüket a National Geographic Channel-lel együttműködve” – mondja Hasselhoff. A dokumentumfilmből egy személyes elbeszélésen keresztül ismerhetjük meg a 20. század egyik legnagyobb történelmi pillanatát. Bemutató: 2014. november 9-én, vasárnap 22 órakor.


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