25 év magyar filmje, a dokumentumfilm ma, promóció és marketing, a zsűri fogadóórája: változatos témákkal várja a Budapesti Nemzetközi Dokumentum Fesztivál a szakmai közönséget.
Szeptember 26-án pénteken 13:00 órakor, a Corvin mozi Radványi termében kerekasztal beszélgetés a magyar szekciónk rendezőivel: 25 év, 25 rendezőjének 25 filmje.
Szeptember 26-án pénteken 15:15 órakor, a Corvin mozi Radványi termében a European Documentary Network elnöke, Paul Pauwels tart Masterclasst a dokumentumfilm helyzetéről ma, Európában.
Szepteber 27-én szombaton 17:00 órakor a Corvin mozi Radványi termében Irena Taskovski, a londoni és berlini központú Taskovski Films forgalmazó cég alapítója és igazgatója tart előadást film promócióról, marketingről, fesztivál stratégiáról, és filmeladásról a következő címmel:
” How to make your film travel and be seen all around the Globe” / „Hogy juttasd el a filmed a világ minden tájára?”
Szeptember 26-án pénteken és szepteber 27-én szombaton délelőtt szakmai „fogadóórát” tartanak nemzetközi zsűrink tagjai.
Minden konzultációra 30 percetek lesz, amely alatt ismertethetitek filmterveteket, és kérdezhettek a szakemberektől.
Minden “konzulenshez” 4 időpont van, tehát küldjétek a jelentkezéseket mielőbb!
A szakmai alapkövetelmények ellenőrzése után a helyeket a jelentkezés sorrendjében töltjük fel.
Jelentekezni lehet az INFO@BIDF.HU email címen. Kérjük az emailben jelezd pontosan kivel szeretnél konzultálni, valamint küldd el filmterved rövid tartalmát és rövid szakmai életrajzodat.
Szeptember 26-án pénteken
Paul Pauwels, Director of European Documentary Network, Producer
Paul has 30 years experience in the audiovisual world. During the larger part of his career he has combined production and teaching/tutoring. Between 2007 and 2011 he was the director of the “European television and media management academy” in Strasbourg, France. From March 2012 until May 2013 he was managing director and later (from September 2012 onward) manager/owner/producer of Congoo bvba. In May 2013 he became the director of the European Documentary Network. He is now based in Copenhagen and Brussels.
Elizabeth Wood, Founder and Director of DocHouse
Elizabeth Wood is the Founder and Director of DocHouse, an organisation dedicated to the promotion of excellence in documentary. DocHouse produces a year round showcase of International Documentary Screenings, Events and Festivals at cinemas across London. In education she has designed documentary courses in collaboration with The Tate Modern, The London Film School, Film London, the BBC and the National Film and Television School and hosted 12 ‘Best of British’ – DocHouse Masterclasses in the cinema sponsored by the Grierson Trust.
Dorota Roskowska, Producer
Born in 1960, she lived in Holland for many years where she worked in the audiovisual industry. From 1997 to 2002 she worked as Commissioning Editor in the cultural department of TVP2 at Polish Television where she dealt with co-productions for the European Cultural Channel ARTE. Under her editorship many documentary films, international debate panels and TV broadcasts were made and broadcasted in Poland and Europe. Dorota is the main producer at Arkana Studio and she also heads the Academy of Documentary Arts www.academyofdoc.eu organizing the international trainings and Dragon Forum pitching at the Krakow Film Festival.
Péter Kerekes, Director
Peter Kerekes studied film directing at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava where he continued to lecture on the given subject. Together with director Dušan Hanák, he participated in founding the atelier of fiction and documentary film. Though he wanted to direct fiction films, since his first documentary about the Slovak poet Erik Groch, his interest in this form of film expression prevailed. His latest feature-length documentary Ako sa varia dejiny/ Cooking History was awarded at numerous international festivals (e.g. Hot Docs, Leipzig) and nominated for the prestigious European Award Arte 2009.
Szeptember 27-án szombat
Irena Taskovski, Distributor
Irena acts as CEO & founder of Taskovski Films Ltd. London and Berlin based world sales and Production Company of independent documentary and fiction films. She also works as external coach and consulting expert on promotion, marketing and festival strategies for number of institutions and companies, among others HBO Europe. Jury member at : Festroja Inernational Film Festival Portugal 2005, Trieste Film Festival 2008, Krakow International Film Festival 2008, ZagrebDox 2009, Vilnius Int’l Film Festival 2011, DOK – Leipzig 2011, Puebla International Film Festival 2012 Mexico, Visions du reel Nyon Switzerland 2013
Oana Giurgiu, Producer
Oana Giurgiu has extensive experience as a producer of films, TV programs, music videos and events. Currently she is the executive director of Transilvania International Film Festival (Cluj-Napoca, 13th edition in 2014) and Full Moon horror and fantasy Film Festival (Biertan, 3rd edition in 2014). Lately she returned to documentary filmmaking by directing “ALIYAH DADA” (aka FROM ROMANIA TO ZION), developed at Archidoc 2010 (La femis – workshop) which will have a premiere at Astra Film Festival, Sibiu 2014.
Hans-Rober Eisenhauer, Producer
As commissioning editor for ZDF-ARTE, Deputy Programme Director and Head of Theme Evenings for ARTE, Hans Robert’s more than 60 theatrical length commissions for TV and Cinema since 1992 include Oscar and Sundance awards among other recognitions. Hans Robert has also served as director of the Berlin Film Fund and he is a member of the European Film Academy, which he helped to create in 1988. He is currently running Ventana-Film GmbH., his recent German-Syrian coproduction “Return to Homs” had it’s world premiere at IDFA 2013 and received the Grand Jury Prize for the best international documentary film at the Sundance Film-festival 2014.
Leena Pasanen, Director of DokLeipzig
Born in Finland, Pasanen has been a regular expert, tutor and lecturer for several training programs as EDN, Discovery Campus, EURODOC and Television Business School. She’s an EURODOC graduate and a member of the international advisory committee of Hot Docs. She’s also been a member of the board of IDFA Forum, INPUT and the Bonnier’s Journalistic Award in Finland and served as a jury member for several international festivals, among others Sundance and IDFA. Since May 2011 she became the director of Finnagora, the Finnish Institute in Budapest, Hungary. She has been recently chosen as the new Director of the prestigious DokLeipzig festival.